My Guardian Angel (s)

Guardian Angel was written by my mom when she was a young girl. She recited it into her 90’s.

Guardian Angel

When I was just a little child

And had so many fears

My mother used to say to me 

Don’t cry just dry your tears

You have a guardian angel

Jesus gave to you at birth

And he is with you always

On your journey here on earth

To say I didn’t want one

Would have been a great mistake

But I only wanted one 

If he had skin on his face 

And so, as I went on in life

Through hardships and through strife 

I found my angels out there 

To help me on with life

I know they come from heaven

By what they say and do 

And God has loved me always

Because he sent me you 

(and you) (and you).

Happy Birthday, Mom. Missing you today but in joy that you are with Dad. All is Calm, All is Bright...

“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;.” – Psalm 91:11


“The Lord has sought out a man after his own heart” – 1 Samuel 13:14



under the stars
over the psalms
with a stone
with honour
in humility

by Him

“Yes the LORD is my shepherd…He guides me along the right path.” – Psalm 23

Happy Birthday, Dad

“She did not stand alone, but what stood behind her, the most potent moral force in her life, was the love of her father.” — Harper Lee, Go Set a Watchman

Happy Birthday, Dad. I know I am early but in heaven, time has only eternity. I hope heaven is having a month-long birthday party for you. 😊 And a parade for that matter. I can still hear your embarrassing belted out song, “I LOVE A PARADE!” 

I miss you, Dad. Every day, I look at your little leather jewellery box that holds its treasures. The smell of the leather is still here, as are the memories of playing with it as a little girl…gently picking up each cuff link…the shiny gold ones, the office black ones you wore with your crisp white shirt, and the fun terra cotta sparkly ones that I loved to hold up to reflect the sun's light.

The leather now holds your rosary, Dad - the one you said for me for so many years. It also holds the picture of me that I found in it, and recently, the ring I won for mom on Mother’s Day. I can’t wear it right now – the pain is still too fresh. Your leather box contains all the treasured memories I need. It even has the soft piece of suede that I would hold gently against my cheek.

I confess Dad I am not doing the greatest lately. I have tried so hard over the years, but I mess up. I need your prayers up there, Dad. I'm sure God gave you a sparkly new rosary on that holy day you met him face to face. Or maybe his mom, Mary did when you met her after all your Hail Marys to her over the years. Please use your beads for me today.

I miss seeing your rough, callused hands as you held your beads. Your hands are forever inked on my heart. I wish I could pray like you did, Dad. – My prayers are sporadic at best, and probably contain more tears and swear words but in my own way I try. I am afraid I did not turn out to be a very good catholic, though.

I miss the Pinery, Dad – putting up our big old green tent and collecting sea glass with you along the shores of Lake Huron. Oh how you loved the lake, you were always so at peace there. I miss our walks – trying to keep step with you as you quietly teased me to mess up my steps. I miss those Sunday nights where few words were spoken but you always filled me with your quiet peace as we skipped together, home.

Our crab is hanging-in – still delicately taped together after all these years. That day at the kitchen table, when you patiently cut it off the cereal box and taped it together, Christmas Day when I gave it to you in a Kleenex box – and you teared - and then the Christmas so many years later when you gave it back to me and I teared - are memories I hope will see me through my forgetful years, when all I will want to do is sing Christmas carols in July.

I miss your holy strength, Dad. You gave me quiet life lessons that needed no words but they strengthened me. And you gave me your rosary beads that contained the promised prayers, that gave me life.

Thank you Dad, and Happy Birthday. I miss you but I am happy you are home.

"Silent Night, Holy Night", Love Jo

“All is calm, all is bright…”

Resolved Forward

“How long O LORD?” – Psalm of Lament

A Dark Night's Moment


a painful prayer
that veers down
the road of sorrow
but is the pathway
back to joy
if willing to pilgrim
through it


“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:18-19

You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.” – Psalm 16:11

The Dark Night of the Soul (La noche oscura del alma) is a poem and journey described by the 16th-century poet and mystic St. John of the Cross.  Today, the phrase “dark night of the soul” is used to describe a crisis of faith or a difficult, painful period in one’s life. 

re·solved: to come to a definite or earnest decision, firmly determined to do something, intent, insistent, hell bent on

for·ward: toward or at a place, point, or time in advance, onward, move ahead, being in condition of advancement

The Sage & The Seer

The Word of the Lord came to me asking, What do you see? – Jeremiah 1:13

Take heed what you hear, And to you who hear, more will be given. Mark 4:24-25

Listen! What Do You See?

New vision is coming to those who see
Sagacity for those who hear

The Sage & the Seer train in the secret place
In His protective shadow they prepare on their knees
In the light they hear, in the dark they see
they ready for tomorrow's war

Double agents who see and hear
Double anointed, they are the veiled ones
The new messengers,
who both see and hear God's whisper

The boardroom will be the war room
Advisors will call on the Sage & the Seer
who know the Master Architect's blueprint
for kingdom strategy

The next battle is near
A new evil underfoot
that require the wisdom of the Sage & the Seer
who follow the orders of their Commander-in-Chief

“Ears that hear and eyes that see— the LORD has made them both.” – Proverbs 20:12-1

“But as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.” – Joshua 5


The Rainbow & the Olive Branch

“The rainbow that I have put in the sky will be my sign to you and to every living creature on earth. It will remind you that I will keep this promise forever.”

“And behold, in her beak was a freshly plucked olive branch.”– Genesis 8 & 9

I stand in awe and whisper my gratitude for the painted gift above

The rainbow, his beautiful promise that darkness will never overcome

But with head held high, lost in the beauty of the sky, I missed the fullness of his promise rooted deep in the ground on which I pilgrim

The olive tree lowly planted firm in the Gethsemane dirt, carries the promised truth amidst his branches to behold

In the beak of the three, the white dove plucks a delicate twig and quietly journeys it home

High in the painted sky, Holy dances and eddies in the wind, hovering, waiting for me to ready for the gift he cradles

Heaven's fulfilled covenant is grounded in the living olive branch that yearns to be given but must be received to complete his promise of reconciliation

The rooted olive tree holds up my weary hands to cup the pressed fruit's oil that freely pours down his cheek

Exhaling his final breath, Holy releases the baptism of the oil of gladness into the wind and showers the earth with His Peace

Behold! Tetelestai. It is finished.

And the rooted tree of righteousness displays his splendour & the holy wind bows in praise.

The olive branch is first mentioned in Scripture when the dove returned to Noah’s ark carrying an olive branch in its beak (Gen. 8:11). Since that time, the olive branch is known as a symbol of “peace” to the world. The dove, a symbol of His Spirit.

Gethsemane: Positioned at the base of the Mount of Olives, the garden faces the Old City of Jerusalem. The word Gethsemane means ”oil press” and the garden is home to a collection of twenty-three olive trees. 

The Greek word “τετέλεσται” (tetelestai) is used in the Gospel of John as Jesus’ last words (“it is finished”) before He gave up His spirit on the cross. “Tetelestai” comes from the Greek root word of “telew” meaning to bring to an end, finish, or complete.

Isaiah 61:3 “to bestow on them a crown of beauty  instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called trees of righteousness, a planting of the Lord. for the display of his splendor.”

The Night the Stars Fell

The night the stars fell on November 12, 1833, was accredited to science and named Leonid. Ironically, the nomenclature of science is accredited to the Word that was in-the-beginning. Oh, such is the pride of man when we cannot explain such awe.

“There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for star differs from star in glory.” 1 Corinthians 15:41

The Weight of Glory

“At present we are on the outside of the world, the wrong side of the door. We discern the freshness and purity of morning, but they do not make us fresh and pure. We cannot mingle with the splendours we see. But all the leaves of the New Testament are rustling with the rumour that it will not always be so. Some day, God willing, we shall get in.”

"There will be a time when the weight of glory will shatter the pull of gravity…when we put on this, ‘greater glory’, we will know fully that the nature we’re now living through is only the first sketch." – C.S. Lewis

The Night the Stars Fell

A November night in 1833 quietly released the secrets of the sky.
The stars that fell held the ancient prophecy of the Lion who overcomes.
In his mercy, he restrains the weight of Leonid's glory.
For us to behold such splendour, he knows we must ready on our knees.

Heaven's fire balls reveal the hidden glory of the inner glory created in-the-beginning.
A baptism of fire awaits Eden's beautiful ones, to create anew.
Longingly, I whisper a cry of lament, to behold a small glimpse of such splendour,

Holy Holy Holy
Purify my heart Oh Lord, to be worthy to receive your baptism of fire.
Purify my eyes to see the hallowed blue incense hidden in your glory.
Purify my ears to hear the song you scored in the stars,
and purify my mouth to utter praise in awe of your glory.

In your mercy, pull back the veiled pride within,
On bended knee, remove the burden I carry so I can fully behold the weight of your glory.
Whisper your Ephaetha, and open my spirit to clearly hear your song of the night.

Awaken me in your dreams to see the fullness of your Leonid choir,
and with outstretched arms, release my lips in a song of praise.

In chorus with the stars you both named and know by name,
let us sing our doxology of praise to both the Lion and the Lamb, 'Holy, Holy, Holy'


Leonid will once again fall in the fullness of splendour and the glory of The Lion of Judah will overcome, and a new song will be birthed.

“While the morning stars sang together, all the sons of God sang for joy.” – Job 38:7

The Whispered Song

“The Birds of Heaven, sing among the branches.” – Psalm 104

Amidst the bones, I pause to listen to the tree's heartsong. 
Her branches cradle the home of the songbird  
who sings to heaven,
indifferent to the wide-eyed gawk and bark that hover below.

The seasons change, and the wind carries the flame 
igniting the nest's chlorophyll. 
The ruah flame sparks the melody
and lights the leaves with the fired colour.

In the surround sound of the cathedral beams
I behold the beauty of the blue, 
hidden deep within the wood's womb 
and listen to his whispered song,
in chorus with the soprano wind and the alto leaves.

The home of the songbird
magnifies the creator’s splendour and echoes the psithurism hymn. 
In harmony with his home, 
he whispers his homily to the beautiful one, 
who painted him from within his wings to reflect the holy blue hue.

The breath that imprinted score in the blue bird
releases the benediction:
‘Holy Holy Holy’

 I behold the deep beauty of Cyanocitta Cristata 
who was painted blue with light from within. 
 With thanksgiving I listen to his whisper song
'Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus Dominus'

His song awakens those who slumber,
Ruah awakens the sound of the bones to a standing ovation.
The army of dry bones rattle in the wind 
and in one breath the bones whisper , 'Selah'

- I bow in honour to the blue symphony and whisper, 'Amen'


The Blue Jay vocalization is the “whisper song” 

“The evocative sounds created by the wind flowing through trees” – psithurism

Although blue jays are widely recognized by their bright blue colour, they are (surprisingly) not actually blue. Their bright blue plumage is the result of a unique inner wing structure that distorts the way light is reflected; making them appear blue.

Gift from the Sea

“To dig for treasures shows not only impatience and greed, but lack of faith. Patience, patience, patience, is what the sea teaches. Patience and faith. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach—waiting for a gift from the sea.” – Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Gift from the Sea

Gift from the Sea 

At the water's edge, I wait
lost in the soul of a young girl
who finds quiet joy in the humble treasure that washes in,
a gift of broken glass tumbled smooth from the sea.

Treasure is hard to find today
Sea glass collecting is now declared a national sport at Lake Huron
Earnestly they seek the pretty glass to adorn their home
For me, home is in the gift of the sea 
that smooths the brokenness in me.

I listen quietly to the whisper of the sea, 
reminisce of early morning walks with Dad along the watered line
The smell of fishing boats that lure the sea-gulls cry
anchor my heart’s perfumed memory that lingers still.

One treasure holds my hand, 
the other washes up at my feet that sink into the wet sand
the third, buried deep in the mystery of the sea 
The sea's roar, a paradox gift that instills a calm in me.

Three-in-one treasure freely offered at the line 
that separates the gathering of the sea from the land on which I stand 
A fathers hand, broken glass, and the mystery of the sea 
lulls my soul's chaos into a deep lullaby peace.

A Kairos Genesis moment,
in communion with the three
My tears both weep and worship the treasured gifts 
sacrificed at the water's altar.

waits patiently for me to see
that the treasured broken glass smoothed anew
is a holy reminder of the broken one 
who placed his treasured one
deep within the heart of me
that washes my hidden jagged brokenness

His gift from the sea...
Home to me.

“And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called the Seas: and God saw that it was good” – Genesis 1:9-10

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” – Matthew 6:21

Wrestling with God

“So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak.” – Genesis 32:24

Wrestling with God

Alone, I wrestle
I don't need God, to do battle 

Wounded, I bleed on the ground in the dirt
from the very mud I sling

My heart's agony bleeds for the bloodshed from one small incision
blood stained hands drip with the Ephesians 6 principalities I know not 
But they know me intimately 

They strike at tarnished armour, and know how to wound
lanced peace is the final blow of defeat

the Screwtape Letters next chapter is complete
the demons laugh with glee 
as Lewis sadly shakes his head
another one bites the dust 

Dead in the darkness
too weary to wrestle 
with the only one 
who can heal

Hidden from the hands that spar
The scarred hands that fashioned my own 
dejected, I  limp away in the darkness 
but the humble light from holy hands insist on guiding me home

"I will not let you go until I bless you!"

Not how the story goes 
but the author knows the Truth of his own story
so He can write the final chapter 
any way he damn well pleases

The day light consecrates the darkness and He blesses
undeserving, he empathizes with the limp I carry
The Peniel wound stays 
to forever remind me of the face 
that both blesses and forgives

part 2 - to be continued

“When he reached a certain place, he stopped for the night because the sun had set. Taking one of the stones there, he put it under his head and lay down to sleep. He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth, with its top reaching to heaven, and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it.” – Genesis 28:11-12